365 Days of Success With These 3 Simple Daily Habits


To attain greater success in both work and life, it’s essential to cultivate beneficial habits every day. Instead of attempting numerous tasks simultaneously, concentrate on these 3 daily habits to maximize your daily productivity.

Habit 1: Organize tomorrow today

Every night before going to bed, spend 5 minutes planning for the next day. Identify 3 important tasks that need to be completed and 1 must-do task. This will help you direct your energy and focus on top priorities.

When planning the night before, you also activate the Zeigarnik effect in the brain. This effect indicates that humans tend to remember and focus more on unfinished tasks. Thus, the brain will automatically prepare and think about what needs to be done even when you’re sleeping, getting you ready for a new day.


Habit 2: Learn to say no

Practice saying no to sudden but unimportant requests. If you always respond immediately to urgent work, you will easily be interrupted and lose focus from your priorities. Take time to consider before agreeing to help something, because you’re saying yes to that thing and refusing something else.


Habit 3: Focus on one thing at a time

Don’t try to do many things at once. Focus deeply on one important task at a time. Multitasking will make you easily lose focus, stressful and inefficient. Focus and completely finish one task before moving on to the next.


To track and maintain habits, you can use a habit tracker. This is a simple tool to record whether or not you have performed that habit daily. You can refer to how to make it following the instructions video: to make your own habit tracker in this video:

Or access this Etsy store:

https://www.etsy.com/listing/1570875896/habit-tracker-google-sheets-template?click_key=cf33e12abc5425d3271f38e53ac1f6282fd642cd%3A1570875896 to buy beautiful habit tracker products right away.

Build each habit one by one and maintain them persistently. Don’t be discouraged if you encounter difficulties in the habit formation process. Be perseverant and remember that each day is a step forward to improve yourself. Just small daily habits will also lead to big changes in life.

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